About Us

Commitment to Community

At IdentityE2E, we believe in making a positive impact beyond our business operations. Our dedication to charitable support and sustainability reflects our commitment to creating a better world for current and future generations.

Charitable Support

At the foundation of IdentityE2E is a strong set of moral values, including honesty and integrity in our dealings with clients. We also built into our founding principles the requirement to use a percentage of our company profits to support the local and wider community.


We have happily provided financial support to a number of local and national charities, totalling over £220,000 since 2015. We also encourage our team members to get involved in causes they are passionate about.

Classic Land Rover Run

In addition to the above, IdentityE2E are proud sponsors of the annual Charity Land Rover Run. Our 2023 event was held in the summer and saw us return to Ypres to mark IdentityE2E's ten year anniversary.

This year's Charity Run to was held in aid of the Hospice in the Weald. The total raised this year was £2,700 taking the overall total raised and gifted to charities through these events to over £75,000, since 2010.

Carbon Reduction

Our Commitment To Achieving Net Zero

As a progressive business, committed to doing the right thing, IdentityE2E recognises the urgency of the climate change agenda and desires to play our part in decarbonising the economy for a greener, more sustainable future. We are already well advanced on our carbon reduction journey across our own operations, including reduction in employee travel, embracing a fully paperless office and moving our entire company fleet to electric vehicles.

We appreciate that this issue needs long term goals and strategy to make a lasting impact on our environment and as a result we have developed our own Carbon Reduction Plan.

To view our full Carbon Reduction Plan in PDF please
